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Division of Energy and Building Design

Buildings account for a significant amount of the total energy use in Sweden. Aside from requiring a lot of energy and environmental impact to construct, they have continual energy needs throughout their lifespan. Our work is focused on creating energy-efficient buildings and neighbourhoods with a low environmental impact. Some of the focus areas are the utilisation of passive solar energy through - 2025-01-19


The Department of Building and Environmental Technology pursues teaching and research in the construction and maintenance of buildings and infrastructure such as tunnels, bridges, dams and waterways with regard to their function, safety, environmental effects and durability. Its activities cover a broad field, from the melting of snow and flooding of regions, via buildings, bridges and conduits, d - 2025-01-19


Division of Fire Safety Engineering The Division of Fire Safety Engineering is responsible for some of the key courses of the Swedish-taught, 5 year Fire Safety Engineering programme (Civilingenjör i brandteknik) at Lund University. In addition, the Division is involved in an international joint Master's programme: International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering (IMFSE). Fire Safety Eng - 2025-01-19


Division of Fire Safety Engineering The research at the Division of Fire Safety Engineering has during the years encompassed the description of the evolution of a fire, human behaviour in the event of fire, extinguishing techniques and extinguishing agents, industrial fire protection systems, design related to fire technology, and community emergency services. Today the research is focused on the - 2025-01-19


Division of Fire Safety Engineering The links on this page open in the Lund University Research Portal.   Var god vänta... Doctoral theses Doctoral theses at Fire Safety Engineering - in Lund University's Research Portal Licentiate theses Licentiate theses at Fire Safety Engineering - in Lund University's Research Portal Finished degree projects Finished degree projects at Fire Safety Engineering - 2025-01-19


Division of Fire Safety Engineering The Fire Laboratory at the Division of Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University has a long history in fire science and in the education of fire safety engineers. The Fire Laboratory is located on the Lund University campus and primarily used for education and research performing fire tests in smaller scales. If larger test is required, we use the possibility t - 2025-01-19


The research at the Department covers a broad spectrum of fundamental and applied issues in the built society, the physical infrastructure and the environment. One general focus area at LTH is building technology, where the challenges are to improve productivity, reduce energy consumption, increase quality, improve safety and reduce life cycle costs.Another challenge for society is to handle the c - 2025-01-19


Management Head of DepartmentPatrick van Heespatrick [dot] van_hees [at] byggtek [dot] lth [dot] se (patrick[dot]van_hees[at]byggtek[dot]lth[dot]se)+46 46-222 17 19Deputy Head of DepartmentEva Frühwald Hanssoneva [dot] fruhwald_hansson [at] kstr [dot] lth [dot] se (eva[dot]fruhwald_hansson[at]kstr[dot]lth[dot]se)+46 46-222 75 37 Caretaker V-huset Stefan Jönssonstefan [dot] jonsson [at] vhuset [dot - 2025-01-19


Division of Fire Safety Engineering Håkan Frantzich Head of Division, Senior Lecturer Email: hakan [dot] frantzich [at] brand [dot] lth [dot] se Telephone: +46462229591 Håkan's profile in Lund University's research portal Staff All staff members' contact details can be found on the Staff page. Addresses Visiting addressV-huset, 2nd floor (vån 3) Klas Anshelms väg 14Lund, SwedenDelivery addressDeli - 2025-01-19

Vacant positions

Department of Building & Environmental Technology All available positions are posted on this page. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept CVs sent directly to us; applications must be submitted through our recruitment system. To apply for a position, log in to our recruitment system via the link in the job advertisement. The links below open the job advertisement in Varbi, Lund University's recrui - 2025-01-19


Division of Building Materials We teach on the five-year programmes in Civil Engineering (civilingenjör i väg- och vattenbyggnad), Architecture (arkitektutbildning) and Fire Safety Engineering (civilingenjör i brandteknik) and on the three-year programme in Civil Engineering, Architecture (högskoleingenjör i byggteknik med arkitektur) at Campus Helsingborg.In our first cycle courses courses we giv - 2025-01-19


Division of Building Materials Research areas at the Division of Building Materials:Durability of materialsBuilding BiologyCement and concreteIsothermal calorimetryMortar and masonrySorption and transportWood and polymersThermal properties Power Bio - an Interreg project The Division participates in the Danish-Swedish, EU-funded project Bio Power.  Our international network in Lund University's Re - 2025-01-19


Division of Building Materials The links on this page open in the Lund University Research Portal.   Var god vänta... Doctoral theses Doctoral theses at Building Materials - in Lund University's Research Portal Licentiate theses Licentiate theses at Building Materials - in Lund University's Research Portal Finished degree projects Finished degree projects at Building Materials - in LUP Student Pap - 2025-01-19


Division of Building Materials The Building Materials Laboratory has a long history in working with moisture and durability related research. The lab is also used in education of civil engineers, fire safety engineers and architects. We have large laboratory facilities and a wide range of equipment including e.g. climate chambers, sorption balances, a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) as wel - 2025-01-19


Division of Building Materials Peter Johansson Head of Division, Senior Lecturer Email: peter [dot] johansson [at] byggtek [dot] lth [dot] se Telephone: +46462227362 Mobile: +460761387362 Staff All staff members' contact details can be found on the Staff page. Addresses Visiting addressV-huset, 1st floor (vån 2)Klas Anshelms väg 14Lund, SwedenDelivery addressDelivery addresses are displayed under - 2025-01-19


Division of Building Physics The Division is responsible for a large number of courses in Bachelor's education. The Division mainly teaches in Building Technology and Practical Building Physics. In order for our students to have a stable theoretical foundation and the latest knowledge in the subject area, both Building Technology and Building Physics are included in our course activities. Within t - 2025-01-19


Division of Building Physics The Division's research is about Theoretical and Practical Building Physics as well as the application of the subject through the development of Building Technology. The primary purpose is to combine building materials into well-functioning building components and buildings that are healthy for people to stay in for a long time. In order to have a sustainable society, - 2025-01-19